Monday, November 1, 2010

Online Chord Books

There are countless ways to learn chords (the basics of guitar)....

this is a simple chord sheet that I just got off of Google Images (search word "chords")

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The above is an example of the kinds of things you can expect from YouTube.
This is a video from the YouTube Channel GuitarJamzDotCom

Their website URL is

(the website is not free, but he has alot of free lessons on YouTube)

No Money for Guitar Lessons? No Need!

Many people say, "OH, I want to play guitar, but I don't have the time or the money to get lessons..."


There are many ways to learn guitar that don't involve driving 30 minutes to your nearest Guitar Shop and paying hundreds of dollars for lessons.

This blog is meant to help those who really have an interest in playing guitar and are searching for alternatives to the "only" option.